Piece 1
Title: Tracing Shadows 
Year: 2021
Medium: Photography

This piece explores Anthropomorphism. I have tried to extravagantly transform ordinary recycled glass bottles through monochromatic photography and their elongated curved shadows to depict the human value of 'aspiration'. The upward elongated shadows of the stationery glass bottles aim to represent the common notion 'winning at life'.
Piece 2
Title: Aspirations
Year: 2021
Medium: Mixed media collage, digital illustration and digital manipulation
Size: 2 panels of 16 x 24 inches

This artwork is combination of several abstractions of the elongated shadows originating from the above Piece 1 (Tracing Shadows) and explorations of figure-ground relationships. 

When asked about my aspirations, I feel pressurized to give a perfect answer pertaining to a 'perfectly planned future'. The judgmental eyes of society waiting to ravish me at any ambiguity has further encouraged me to diverge from and avoid the topic for as long as I can. However now as I prepare to venture into university, I am overwhelmed with ideas and projects and things I want to do. They by no means are going to lead me down the perfectly planned career path. In fact I anticipate and wish that the road ahead is going to be filled with complexity, risks and failures. Only then will I be able to stand on my own two feet; independent and strong. I have realized that that it is okay to fail, it is okay to defer, it is okay to change your mind and it is okay to not be okay. 

This piece harmonizes unconventional patterns, textures, shapes and colors to create a synchronized visual that I feel truly depicts what my 'aspirations' are. It depicts the crazy, messy, intricate, overlapping layers of 'aspirations' within me and I can't wait to see where it takes me!


